• IEO and society
The Spanish Institute of Oceanography and its role as an IPO in society
The IEO considers that its social responsibility requires it to disseminate the oceanography, sciences and marine technologies associated with its tasks, either with its own initiatives or by participating and collaborating in events, conferences and other events carried out by third parties where science is promoted, the knowledge of the oceans, the marine environment, the love of the sea and the sustainable use of its resources. Both the IEO as a whole, and each of its coastal centers, have a commitment to all initiatives in this regard. Being a member, employer or participating in the following governing bodies:
These are the most recent activities in which the IEO has intervened:
Una investigadora del IEO compartirá su experiencia en un evento divulgativo organizado por MUNCY... -
32 alumnos del Instituto de Monelos de A Coruña visitan el Centro Oceanográfico de A Coruña del I... -
Comienza un ciclo de sesiones científicas impartido por investigadores del Centro Oceanográfico d... -
El Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo acogerá una conferencia sobre la gobernanza del océano en la Unió... -
Un investigador del IEO participa en el ciclo de conferencias Café con Sal con una charla sobre l... -
Las investigadoras e investigadores del IEO reivindican la igualdad de género en el Día de la Muj... -
El Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga acogerá unas jornadas para dar a conocer la Red Natura 2000 a l... -