• Responsábel:

  • 2019 - Fine scale physical-biological interactions during a shift from relaxation to upwelling with a focus on Dinophysis acuminata and its potential ciliate prey. (Progress in Oceanography) - Artículos Científicos en Revistas - (Díaz, P.A., Ruiz-Villarreal, M., Mouriño-Carballido, B., Fernández-Pena, C., Riobó, P., Reguera, B.)

  • 2019 - Mesoscale Dynamics and Niche Segregation of Two Dinophysis Species in Galician-Portuguese Coastal Waters. (Toxins) - Artículos Científicos en Revistas - (Diaz, P.A, Reguera, B., Moita, T., Bravo, I., Ruiz-Villarreal, M., Fraga, S.)

  • 2019 - Changes in phytoplankton production and upwelling intensity off A Coruña (NW Spain) for the last 28 yr. (Ocean Dynamics) - Artículos Científicos en Revistas - (Bode, A., Álvarez, M., Ruíz-Villarreal, M., Varela, M.M.)

  • 2020 - Vertical zonation of bacterial assemblages attributed to physical stratification during the summer relaxation of the coastal upwelling off Galicia (NW Spain). (Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science) - Artículos Científicos en Revistas - (Montes, T., Guerrero-Feijóo, E., Moreira-Coello, V., Bode, A., Ruiz-Villarreal, M., Mouriño-Carballido, B., Varela M.M.)

  • 2020 - Sensitivity of Modeled CO2 Air¿Sea Flux in a Coastal Environment to Surface Temperature Gradients, Surfactants, and Satellite Data Assimilation - Artículos Científicos en Revistas - (Torres, R.; Artioli, Y.; Kitidis, V.; Ciavatta, S.; Ruiz-Villarreal, M.; Shutler, J.; Polimene, L.; Martinez, V.; Widdicombe, C.; Woodward, E.M.S.; Smyth, T.; Fishwick, J.; Tilstone, G.H.)

  • 2020 - Climate and local hydrography underlie recent regime shifts in plankton communities off Galicia (NW Spain). (Oceans) - Artículos Científicos en Revistas - (Bode, A., Álvarez, M., García García, L.M., Louro, M.A., Nieto-Cid, M., Ruíz-Villarreal, M., Varela, M.M. )

  • EMODNET-DI - EMODnet Data Ingestion

  • FINISGLIDER - FinisGlider. Pilot experience to incorporate Glider technology to the Finisterre repeated hydrographic section.


  • SEADATACLOUD - SeaDataCloud - Further developing the pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management

  • INDEMARES-BANGAL - Inventario y designación de la Red Natura 2000 en áreas marinas del estado español- zona Banco de Galicia

  • PRIMROSE - Predicting Risk and Impact of Harmful Events in the Aquaculture Sector

  • IFADO - Innovation in the Framework of the Atlantic Deep Ocean

  • RAIA_CO - Observatorio Marino del Margen Ibérico y del Litoral

  • ASIMUTH - Applied Simulations and Integrated Modeling for the Understanding of Toxic and Harmful Algal Blooms

  • MYCOAST - Coordinated Atlantic Coastal Operational Oceanographic Observatory