Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo - Memoria 2016

Memoria COV 2016 - 88 - Álvarez G, Uribe E, Regueiro J, Blanco J, Fraga S. 2016. Gonyaulax taylorii, a new yessotoxins-pro- ducer dinoflagellate species from Chilean waters. Harmful Algae 58:8-15. Ayala MD, Hernández-Urcera J, Santaella M, Cal R. 2016a. LastingTemperature Effects on the Mus- cle Tissue, Body Growth, and Fillet Texture of Adult Turbots, Scophthalmus maximus L. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 47(6):759-767. Ayala MD, Martínez JM, Hernández-Urcera J, Cal R. 2016b. Effect of the early temperature on the growth of larvae and postlarvae turbot, Scophthalmus maximus L.: muscle structural and ultras- tructural study. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 42(3):1027-1042. Bañón R, Arronte JC, Armesto A, Barros-García D, De Carlos A. 2016a. Halosaur fishes (Notacanthi- formes: Halosauridae) from Atlantic Spanish waters according to integrative taxonomy. Zootaxa 4184(3):471-490. Bañón R, Arronte JC, Rodríguez-Cabello C, Piñeiro CG, Punzón A, Serrano A. 2016b. Commented checklist of Maríne fishes from the Galicia Bank seamount (NW Spain). Zootaxa 4067(3):293-333. Bellas J, Martínez-Armental J, Martínez-Cámara A, Besada V, Martínez-Gómez C. 2016. Ingestion of microplastics by demersal fish from the Spanish Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Marine Pollution Bulletin 109(1):55-60. Buttay L, Miranda A, Casas G, González-Quirós R, Nogueira E. 2016. Long-term and seasonal zoo- plankton dynamics in the northwest Iberian shelf and its relationship with meteo-climatic and hydrographic variability. Journal of Plankton Research 38(1):106-121. De Matos-Pita SS, Ramil F. 2016. New species of Neopilumnoplax Serène in Guinot, 1969 (Decapo- da, Brachyura, Mathildellidae) from Northwest Africa with a key to the genus. Marine Biodiversity 46(1):253-260. Díaz PA, Ruiz-Villarreal M, Pazos Y, Moita T, Reguera B. 2016. Climate variability and Dinophysis acuta blooms in an upwelling system. Harmful Algae 53:145-159. Dos Santos AL, Gourvil P, Rodríguez F, Garrido JL, Vaulot D. 2016. Photosynthetic pigments of oce- anic Chlorophyta belonging to prasinophytes clade VII. Journal of Phycology 52(1):148-155. Feyjoo P, Cabanellas-Reboredo M, Calvo-Manazza M, Morales-Nin B, Hernández-Urcera J, Garci ME, González AF, Guerra A. 2016. New insights on the external features of egg capsules and em- bryo development in the squid Loligo vulgaris. Journal of Natural History 50(9-10):543-555. Fraga S, Rodríguez F, Riobo P, Bravo I. 2016. Gambierdiscus balechii sp nov (Dinophyceae), a new benthic toxic dinoflagellate from the Celebes Sea (SW Pacific Ocean). Harmful Algae 58:93-105. Frías J, Gago J, Otero V, Sobral P. 2016. Microplastics in coastal sediments from Southern Portugue- se shelf waters. Maríne Environmental Research 114:24-30. Frojan CB, Downie AL, Cuadrado MS, Kenchington E, Kenny A. 2016. Evaluation of benthic assem- blage structure in the NAFO regulatory area with regard to the protection of VME. ICES Journal of Marine Science 73(2):405-419. García-Fernández P, Castellanos-Martínez S, Iglesias J, Otero JJ, Gestal C. 2016. Selection of relia- ble reference genes for RT-qPCR studies in Octopus vulgaris paralarvae during development and immune-stimulation. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 138:57-62.